I overreacted the other day. Read my last news post for Exhibit A.
I'm not embarassed, and I don't regret posting it, because that's really how I felt, and writing about how I feel isn't something I usually do. I'm actually glad I did post it.
I hadn't done any animation for a long time–none over the summer like I promised myself I would. I was pretty anxious to get going again. I started on one thing but scrapped it. Then I thought of this Pizza Hut thing in a total of ten minutes, and decided, sure, that sounds great. As I worked on the animation, I cut half of the lines out of the audio because I felt they were filler. They didn't really take the story anywhere, and in terms of animation, they would've just been more simple pose changes and lip-syncing. What was left was the basic semblance of a plot that I didn't think was very funny without all the stupid gags I had originally planned. Maybe it is. I don't think so, which is why I got frustrated.
In the future, I have to plan my scripts better. I can't write what looks good on paper, because cartoons are different. I have to write an idea that makes me laugh, and just keep reminding myself it's funny while I work on it and begin to hate it. I have some ideas already.
In this case, I cut corners. I wrote something I thought other people would find funny, then kept stripping and stripping it of jokes as I worked. If there were creative project cruelty laws, I'd be locked up right now.
Anyway, that's my postmortem on an obscure flash cartoon that will get about 500 views. Thanks for reading.
P.S. Thanks a bunch to the people that commented on my last post. I appreciate it.